clk module

Functions to process .clk precise clock product files.

class clk.Clk(input_paths)[source]

Bases: NavData

Clk specific loading and preprocessing for any GNSS constellation.


The format for .clk files can be viewed in [1].

Based on code written by J. Makela. AE 456, Global Navigation Sat Systems, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign. Fall 2015


Clk loading and preprocessing.


input_paths (string or path-like or list of paths) – Path to measurement clk file(s).

interpolate_clk(navdata, window=6, verbose=False)[source]

Interpolate clock data from clk file, adding inplace to given NavData instance.

  • navdata (gnss_lib_py.navdata.navdata.NavData) – Instance of the NavData class that must include rows for gps_millis and gnss_sv_id

  • window (int) – Number of points to use in interpolation window.

  • verbose (bool) – Flag (True/False) for whether to print intermediate steps useful for debugging/reviewing (the default is False)