
import gnss_lib_py as glp
# load Android Google Challenge data
!wget --quiet -nc -O "../data/Pixel4XL_derived.csv"
derived_data = glp.AndroidDerived2021("../data/Pixel4XL_derived.csv", remove_timing_outliers=False)

Calculating GNSS Pseudorange Residuals

galileo_data = derived_data.where("gnss_id","galileo")

Solve for residuals using the estimated state. A new “residuals_m” row is added to derived_data

state_wls = glp.solve_wls(derived_data)
glp.solve_residuals(galileo_data, state_wls, inplace=True)

Plot the residuals using the plot_residuals() function. The residuals are broken up constellation and signal type and plotted on separate figures.

figs = glp.plot_metric_by_constellation(galileo_data, "gps_millis", "residuals_m")