Load gnss_lib_py into the Python workspace

import gnss_lib_py as glp

NMEA File Parsing

NMEA is a file standard for storing and transferring position data and GPS measurements. gnss_lib_py has functionality for reading NMEA files and loading the data into a NavData, which we demonstrate next.

Each NMEA sentence has a header eg. $GPGGA which describes whether the message is propreitary or general purpose and the type of message. In this case, the message is GGA. gnss_lib_py currently supports GGA and RMC message types.

Each NMEA sentence also comes with a checksum, which may appear after the ’*’ in each sentence. In case the checksums are to be checked, pass the parameter check=True to the Nmea initialization.

# download NMEA data and load it into NavData instance
!wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Stanford-NavLab/gnss_lib_py/main/data/unit_test/nmea/nmea_w_correct_checksum.nmea --quiet -nc -O "../data/nmea_w_correct_checksum.nmea"
# Load the NMEA file into a NavData structure
nmea_navdata = glp.Nmea('../data/nmea_w_correct_checksum.nmea')
print('Loaded NMEA data\n', nmea_navdata)
Loaded NMEA data
    lat_rx_deg  lon_rx_deg  gps_qual  num_sats  horizontal_dil  alt_rx_m  \
0   37.423617 -122.094167         1        14             1.0       2.7
1   37.423617 -122.094167         1        14             1.0       2.7

  altitude_units  geo_sep geo_sep_units  age_gps_data  ref_station_id status  \
0              M   -32.64             M           NaN             NaN      A
1              M   -32.64             M           NaN             NaN      A

   vx_rx_mps  heading_raw_rx_deg    gps_millis  heading_rx_rad
0        0.0               192.8  1.273529e+12        3.364995
1        0.0               192.8  1.273529e+12        3.364995

If the checksum is not to be checked, pass the parameter check=False to the initialization.

!wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Stanford-NavLab/gnss_lib_py/main/data/unit_test/nmea/nmea_no_checksum.nmea --quiet -nc -O "../data/nmea_w_no_checksum.nmea"
# Load the NMEA file into a NavData structure
nmea_navdata = glp.Nmea('../data/nmea_w_no_checksum.nmea', check=False)
print('Loaded NMEA data\n', nmea_navdata)
Loaded NMEA data
    lat_rx_deg  lon_rx_deg  gps_qual  num_sats  horizontal_dil  alt_rx_m  \
0   37.423617 -122.094167         1        14             1.0       2.7
1   37.423617 -122.094167         1        14             1.0       2.7

  altitude_units  geo_sep geo_sep_units  age_gps_data ref_station_id status  \
0              M   -32.64             M           NaN             \n      A
1              M   -32.64             M           NaN             \n      A

   vx_rx_mps  heading_raw_rx_deg    gps_millis  heading_rx_rad
0        0.0               192.8  1.273529e+12        3.364995
1        0.0               192.8  1.273529e+12        3.364995

NMEA GGA and RMC sentences store latitude and longitude coordinates in a ddmm.mmmmmmm format along with a cardinal direction like N or W.

By default, these coordinates are transformed into decimal degrees but the original data format can be retained in the final loaded NavData. Also, the LLH coordinates can be transformed to ECEF coordinates.

nmea_navdata = glp.Nmea('../data/nmea_w_correct_checksum.nmea', keep_raw=True, include_ecef=True)
print('Loaded NMEA data with raw data and ECEF coordinates\n', nmea_navdata)
Loaded NMEA data with raw data and ECEF coordinates
    lat_rx_deg  lon_rx_deg       lat lat_dir        lon lon_dir  gps_qual  \
0   37.423617 -122.094167  3725.417       N  12205.650       W         1
1   37.423617 -122.094167  3725.417       N  12205.650       W         1

   num_sats  horizontal_dil  alt_rx_m  ... age_gps_data  ref_station_id  \
0        14             1.0       2.7  ...          NaN             NaN
1        14             1.0       2.7  ...          NaN             NaN

  status  vx_rx_mps  heading_raw_rx_deg    gps_millis  heading_rx_rad  \
0      A        0.0               192.8  1.273529e+12        3.364995
1      A        0.0               192.8  1.273529e+12        3.364995

         x_rx_m        y_rx_m        z_rx_m
0 -2.694584e+06 -4.296507e+06  3.854837e+06
1 -2.694584e+06 -4.296507e+06  3.854837e+06

[23 rows x 2 columns]