Load gnss_lib_py into the Python workspace

import gnss_lib_py as glp

Rinex Observation File Parsing

Rinex is another file standard that is used in the GNSS community to store and transmit navigation information. Files with the extension .yyo, where yy is the year in which the measurement was made, are used to store and transmit measurements. These measurement files can contain any constellation and each measurement usually contains the pseudorange, carrier phase (or difference from carrier frequency), doppler, and signal-to-noise ratio measurements. In the following lines, we show how to load a .o file into a NavData instance.

# download Rinex obs file and load it into NavData instance
!wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Stanford-NavLab/gnss_lib_py/main/data/unit_test/rinex/obs/rinex_obs_mixed_types.20o --quiet -nc -O "../data/rinex_obs_mixed_types.20o"
rinex_obs_3 = glp.RinexObs("../data/rinex_obs_mixed_types.20o")
print('Loaded Rinex Obs 3 data for the first time instant\n', \
      rinex_obs_3.where('gps_millis', rinex_obs_3['gps_millis', 0], 'eq'))
Loaded Rinex Obs 3 data for the first time instant
       gps_millis gnss_sv_id  sv_id  gnss_id      raw_pr_m  carrier_phase  \
0   1.274131e+12        E13     13  galileo  2.382499e+07          0.000
1   1.274131e+12        E21     21  galileo  2.501219e+07    -326929.017
2   1.274131e+12        E27     27  galileo  2.326052e+07      32997.575
3   1.274131e+12        E30     30  galileo  2.520925e+07     317573.841
4   1.274131e+12        G06      6      gps  2.176588e+07         -0.000
5   1.274131e+12        G25     25      gps  2.181769e+07          0.000
6   1.274131e+12        E15     15  galileo  2.350570e+07         -0.000
7   1.274131e+12        R22     22  glonass  2.061167e+07    -422725.388
8   1.274131e+12        R21     21  glonass  1.983632e+07     225299.914
9   1.274131e+12        R12     12  glonass  2.100744e+07    -655438.749
10  1.274131e+12        R11     11  glonass  1.923343e+07      37945.912
11  1.274131e+12        R10     10  glonass  2.222123e+07     689349.850
12  1.274131e+12        E13     13  galileo  2.382286e+07    -231351.564
13  1.274131e+12        G25     25      gps  2.182004e+07     -10045.237
14  1.274131e+12        G24     24      gps  2.253072e+07      15832.458
15  1.274131e+12        G19     19      gps  2.348809e+07     414267.810
16  1.274131e+12        G12     12      gps  2.029037e+07    -282295.998
17  1.274131e+12        G06      6      gps  2.176823e+07     376795.289
18  1.274131e+12        E21     21  galileo  2.501432e+07      -5441.125
19  1.274131e+12        E27     27  galileo  2.326264e+07      43730.714
20  1.274131e+12        G29     29      gps  2.388993e+07          0.000
21  1.274131e+12        E30     30  galileo  2.521138e+07         -0.000
22  1.274131e+12        E15     15  galileo  2.350783e+07     161307.213
23  1.274131e+12        G02      2      gps  2.083214e+07      38129.730
24  1.274131e+12        G05      5      gps  2.380925e+07    -690438.431

    raw_doppler_hz  cn0_dbhz signal_type observation_code
0         1576.750      21.8          e1               1C
1         1693.903      23.5         e5a               5X
2         -254.042      27.1         e5a               5X
3        -1777.720      33.7         e5a               5X
4        -1556.400      20.5          l5               5X
5         2168.200      20.2          l5               5X
6         -756.350      28.5         e5a               5X
7         2151.375      32.8          g1               1C
8        -1318.764      33.1          g1               1C
9         3399.116      35.0          g1               1C
10        -355.709      29.2          g1               1C
11       -3802.022      32.5          g1               1C
12        1179.229      26.1         e5a               5X
13        2900.206      27.2          l1               1C
14       -2443.686      23.5          l1               1C
15       -2525.238      33.0          l1               1C
16        1363.048      37.1          l1               1C
17       -2091.633      35.6          l1               1C
18        2274.785      25.7          e1               1C
19        -344.217      26.9          e1               1C
20        2804.600      20.6          l1               1C
21       -2384.200      25.8          e1               1C
22       -1007.365      31.9          e1               1C
23        -322.628      28.6          l1               1C
24        3540.744      28.8          l1               1C