Plotting Style

The file contains several plotting functionalities. We’ll use some existing data to demonstrate their functionality.

Note: In this case, the example data is filtered to be seconds apart, in the regular setting, such measurements would be removed. To prevent this from happening, we set remove_timing_outliers to False here. For the full dataset, set this flag to True

import gnss_lib_py as glp

# load Android Google Challenge data
!wget --quiet -nc -O "../data/Pixel4XL_derived.csv"
derived_data = glp.AndroidDerived2021("../data/Pixel4XL_derived.csv", remove_timing_outliers=False)

Since NavData is simply a data structure, you can still pull values from it and use standard Python plotting tools like matplotlib.

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
plt.xlabel("GPS Milliseconds")
plt.ylabel("Raw Pseudorange [m]")
plt.title("Matplotlib Plotting Example")